Trend It Up Haul

You probably know there is a new brand in Slovenian DMs called Trend It Up. German bloggers always talked about their nail polishes, so I was very excited to finally see the brand in DM. I wanted to get so much more products, but I decided on four. I bought two nail polishes, a matte lipstick and a matte lipcream. 

Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish

Shade 081

Trend It Up Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish   Shade 081

Trend It Up Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish   Shade 081 - swatch

I love grey shades and of course, I had to buy another grey nail polish. In my defence, this one is much darker than others that I own.

Shade 260

Trend It Up Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish   Shade 260

Trend It Up Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish   Shade 260- swatch

Autumn is here I am again into red nails. First, I wanted to buy a lighter shade, but my boyfriend thought this one is nicer. It's a dark red shade with a berry undertone.

Trend It Up Double Volume & Shine Nail Polish   Shade 260 - brush

The brush of these nail polishes is a little thicker than I am used too. It's also round cut. But I did like it, you only need two strokes of nail polish on the nails. I love the formula, it's on the creamier side and really easy to apply. It dries very quickly. I needed two coats and the finish is really shiny. I'm definitely getting more of them.
Price: 2,29€

Ultra Matte Lipstick 

Shade 400

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick   Shade 400

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick   Shade 400

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick   Shade 400

Of course, I went for the Ultra Matte Lipstick. And the shade is no surprise either. I only gave them a quick look, but I think they have a couple of nude shades and I wanted them all. I finally settled on shade 400 (by the way, I would much rather prefer an actual name, just the number is boring). I wanted to try one first and then if I would like it, I would buy more. I was impressed, the formula is creamy and the application is great and it feels really comfortable on lips, but I have a feeling it dries my lips a little bit. If you have always dry lips like me, it can emphasise dry patches after some time. The lipstick has an unpleasant scent for me, but thankfully it's not strong. Its finish isn't completely matte, more semi-matte.
Price: 2,29€

Ultra Matte Lipcream 

Shade 035

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream   Shade 035

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream   Shade 035

I absolutely love this lipcream. The application is great, the applicator is also nice. It smelled weird to me at first, I couldn't figure out what the scent was. Then I realised it smells exactly like cookie dough, but it isn't really disturbing. I didn't notice that it would dry my lips. The lip cream could last for a couple of hours, maybe two or three, not more, but it won't if you will be eating and drinking.
Price: 3,79€

Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick & Lipcream - swatch
I wanted to include swatches on my lips too, but I need a lot more practice with my phone and the colors look much different on the pictures. If I manage to take decent photos, I will include them and update this post.

I was so excited about this brand coming to Slovenian DMs and I wasn't disappointed. Lipstick is good, but it isn't really my favourite. But I love the nail polishes, as well as the lip cream. Also, the prices are super cheap, nail polishes are around 2.50€, lip products around 2-4€ and I think all other products are under 5€. You can check some prices and first impressions on Parokeets blog. Did you buy anything from trend It Up yet? Would you recommend me anything else?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Vsi izdelki so mi res fletni :) Še posebej pa odtenka lakcev, popolno jesenska :)

  2. Lepe stvari si izbrala :) Vse v takih jesenskih odtenkih. Lip Cream tako slabo zdrži? Je sploh zares mat potem?
    Pri nas je stojalo še vedno prazno.

    1. Jaz sem ga uporabljala vse dni, od kaj sem ga kupila in mi ne zdrži dlje. Sem ga morala večkrat na dan nanest. Glede tega ali je mat pa sem pozabla napisat, še morem dodat. Je mat, ampak ne čisto, bi prej rekla da je bolj satenast zaključek, oz nekako med mat in satenastim. :) Sem pa sicer pričakovala večjo obstojnost :)

    2. Aha, potem zveni bolj kot verzija od Essence ali Catrice :) Tudi jaz bi pričakovala več kar se tiče obstojnosti.

    3. Nisem še preizkusila Essence in Catrice vertzij tako da ne bi vedela :)

  3. Jaz sem tudi vzela eno matte, pa da vidimo :)

    Drugače pa so mi vsi svetleči in metallic lakci všeč :)

    1. Metallic se spomnim, da se videla, ko sem gledala po internetu, ampak v živo pa jih sploh nisem opazla. Morem naslednič pogledat, če je kakšna barva zame :D

  4. Zelo lepe odtenke šmink si izbrala! Si jih moram ogledati še v živo :)

    1. Meni osebno, so eni odtenki zelo všeč. Pa še toliko različnih linij, kot sta matte pa shine. V glavnem za vsakogar. Nad izbiro odtenkov sem res presenečena :) Sploh pri lakih za nohte imajo takšne lepe jesenske barve :)

  5. Lepe šminke :))

    Meni pa ta lipcream na žalost ni toliko všeč.. ubistvu mi je ful podoben Essencovim XXXL matt lipglossom, s tem da so od Essence pol ceneje :( Vsaj ta odtenek, ki sem ga jaz vzela je precej streaky, ker se ne posuši nikoli, ta nude je boljši glede tega?

    1. Essence verzije še nisem preizkusila. Res se ne posuši čisto, ampak meni se moj ne zdi streaky :)

  6. Me je zanimalo kakšen je Matte Lipcream. V trgovini se mi je zdel tak mousse varianta, podoben NYX-ovim, ampak praviš, da se ne posuši v čisto mat. Škoda. Mi je pa všeč pri tej znamki, da imajo dejansko nekaj nude odtenkov. Ker druge naše drogerijske znamke delajo večinoma samo neke barvite in žive odtenke. Oba laka izgledata čudovito, čeprav nista ravno po mojem barvnem okusu :).
    Jaz sem tudi izbrala bolj jesenske odtenke. Zaenkrat mi je izredno všeč Blush v odtenku 050 - tak umazan mauve odtenek z lepim sijajem (vendar brez vidnih bleščic). Se mi zdi izredno dobro pigmentiran. Navdušena sem tudi nad High Shine Lipglossom, ki pa je malo sticky. Moj lip gloss ima tudi tak precej močan vonj, verjetno podoben mat lipcreamu. Mene tudi spominja na neke božične kekse :D.

    1. To mi je všeč ja, da imajo kar nekaj nude odtenkov, glede na to, da kakšnih drugih barv jaz ne nosim. :D Ravno to me je zanimalo, kakšni so blushi. Ker sem videla, da je ena na Instagramu omenila, da niso preveč pigmentirani. Mogoče si privoščim kakšnega, ker so mi odtenki všeč :)

  7. Tudi meni res izredno všeč vse kar si izbrala. Jaz sploh še b od blizu stojalu nisem prišla, bi mogla v današnji objavi dodati še preveri vse novosti v DM-u in Mullerju:)

    1. Po eni strani boljše da nisi, vsaj denarnica ni trpela haha :D
