Essence Stay All Day Translucent Fixing Powder
This was on my wishlist since it was released, but everytime when I was in a drugstore I completely forgot about it.
Essence Glitter in the Air TE Nail Polish Remover Gel Ultra Strong
This cought my attention because it should remove glitter nail polishes better.
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds Lipstick Lava Love*
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds Nailwear Pro+*
These two products were a lovely surprise from Avon. Although I am not a fan of a red lipstick on me, I put it on and I like it. It's actually my first Avon lipstick and now I know why every Slovenian blogger has been raving about them for the last couple of months. The nail polish is a bright red shade, I don't think I even have a shade like this in my nail polish collection. More on the lipstick I will write in my upcoming review. Review on the nail polish is here.
These two products were a lovely surprise from Avon. Although I am not a fan of a red lipstick on me, I put it on and I like it. It's actually my first Avon lipstick and now I know why every Slovenian blogger has been raving about them for the last couple of months. The nail polish is a bright red shade, I don't think I even have a shade like this in my nail polish collection. More on the lipstick I will write in my upcoming review. Review on the nail polish is here.
Trend It Up Powder Blush 050
When I first saw that Trend It Up is coming to Slovenian DM's, blushes were on the top of my wishlist. But then someone said that they are not good pigmented and I decided to pass. But then Petra from Adjusting Beauty talked about them and I decided to buy the shade 050, which is so dusty pink kind of shade and it's perfect for winter time. I also adore the design, a classic and simple round packaging with clear plastick on the lid, so you can see the shade.
Essence The Little X-Mas Factory Nail Polish 01 I Still Believe in Santa Claus and 02 Let's Take an Elfie
I was in Müller and I was surprised I saw this collection out already (I bought them in middle of November). Both of the polishes looked so festive that I had to them with me. I have a review with swatches here.
Essence The Gel Nail Polish 44 on air
I can't believe this one has been in The Gel Nail Polish collection by Essence since the very beginning and I never saw it. In the start of November I spotted it, but didn't buy it, because I already have some similar nail polishes. But then I was always finding myself thinking about it, when I was in Müller and at the end I decided to buy it on a Black friday, where it was a few cents discounted. Swatches here.
Oriflame Tender Care Protecting Balm with Organic Honey*
I am preparing a whole review on this lip balm.
Subrina Cuba Libre Shower Gel
I could just eat this shower gel, that's how delicious it smells. It smells exactly like Haribo Happy Cola candy. I don't really like gummy sweets, but I love those. I actually found out Beauty World had them for 0,99€ so I bought one backup too.
I could just eat this shower gel, that's how delicious it smells. It smells exactly like Haribo Happy Cola candy. I don't really like gummy sweets, but I love those. I actually found out Beauty World had them for 0,99€ so I bought one backup too.
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil Nourishing Shampoo
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil Nourishing Conditioner
I have read so much good stuff about this L'oreal duo. DM had 1+1 free, so of course I bought it. I didn't really notice a change at first, but now when I have used it for three weeks or so, I must say I am starting to love it. My hair feels softer and generaly a bit more nourished.

Balea Milch & Honig Maske
Milch & Honig Maske is my newest discovery. I got it in Balea advent calendar last year, but I haven't used it for months. I really like it, it makes my skin soft, it smells like honey and it costs around 0.50€.
I have read so much good stuff about this L'oreal duo. DM had 1+1 free, so of course I bought it. I didn't really notice a change at first, but now when I have used it for three weeks or so, I must say I am starting to love it. My hair feels softer and generaly a bit more nourished.

Ombia Eye Make-up Remover
I had this makeup remover in my last new in post too, I was in Hofer and it was on sale, so I got a replacement, because I love it so much.
I had this makeup remover in my last new in post too, I was in Hofer and it was on sale, so I got a replacement, because I love it so much.
Balea Aqua Tuchmaske
You all know I love this sheet mask, usually when I'm in DM I grab one. Here you can read more. I bought two more, which you can see on the picture bellow, because I didn't realize I already have a picture of the mask haha.
You all know I love this sheet mask, usually when I'm in DM I grab one. Here you can read more. I bought two more, which you can see on the picture bellow, because I didn't realize I already have a picture of the mask haha.
Balea Milch & Honig Maske
Milch & Honig Maske is my newest discovery. I got it in Balea advent calendar last year, but I haven't used it for months. I really like it, it makes my skin soft, it smells like honey and it costs around 0.50€.
Aveo Nagellackentferner Melone mit Aceton
Apparently they don't have the green Aveo version anymore. If I would have known sooner, I would buy a couple of them. This one doesn't seem to be so great, but the smell it's not as disturbing. It smells like Wattermelon gum.
Apparently they don't have the green Aveo version anymore. If I would have known sooner, I would buy a couple of them. This one doesn't seem to be so great, but the smell it's not as disturbing. It smells like Wattermelon gum.
Ta 050 odtenek rdečila je res lep. Me veseli, da ti je všeč ;). Hvala za link :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiAvonove šminke so verjetno moje najljubše. Imajo res vedno bolj zanimive formule in kar je meni pomembno, da so tudi negovalne, ker imam pogosto zelo suhe ustnice.
Balea sheet maska je tudi meni odlična. Sicer sem zdaj naročala nekaj korejskih, ampak ta je vsaj ena dobra, ki je dostopna v naših trgovinah.
Ni za kaj <3 Enako je pri meni s suhimi ustnicami, sploh pozimi. Zdaj sem sicer odkrila en Sundance balzam, mislim da je z medom, in mi zelo odgovarja.
IzbrišiMaska je super, sploh za ceno, sem pa že gledala nekaj korejskih :D
(Sem ti mela namen prej komentirat, pa sem pozabila. Si bila med zaznamki :)) Trend It Up blush izgleda super na ličkih (šajn :)), edino kar si želim je da bi bil bolj obstojen. Si našla potem Cuba Libre tuš gel. Res krasno diši. V bistvu so skoraj vsi Subrina geli bolj cukraste sorte. L'Orealov šampon mi je pa še vedno top, balzam pa žal premalo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz zadnje čase zaradi preveč dela tudi kar pozabim komentirat ali pa nimam časa prebrat, tako da imam mapico med zaznamki, da pogledam in komentiram ko bo čas :D
IzbrišiSem našla tuš gel ja, pa še v akciji je bil. Potem pa je bil še v Beauty World-u v akciji in sem še enega vzela :D Sem povohala še nekaj ostalih gelov, pa mi niso najbolj všeč.
L'orealov duo uporabljam skupaj zdaj in mi super odgovarja, bom pa še poskusila kombinirali z mojim najljubšim balzamom od Garnierja, da vidim, kako bo :)