Yet another haul. This time again more skincare products. I ordered some pharmacy products for my dry skin with atopic dermatitis. There are also some newer products from the drugstore and some PR products.
Garnier Fructis Hair Food Hydrating Aloe Vera Hair Mask
I saw Ana from Mad About Red raving about this mask and we realized that we have a pretty similar hair texture. She really liked this mask, so I bought it when I was ordering on Notino. I love the mask, it has a light and creamy consistency, it doesn't feel heavy on the hair. Before I got the conditioner version, I used this one as a conditioner. I was so impressed that I waited for the shampoo and conditioners to finally come to Slovenia and I bought them.
Garnier Fructis Hair Food Hydrating Aloe Vera Shampoo and Conditioner
These were around 5€ each but DM had a special offer. I tried them the last time I washed my hair and I liked them. My hair did feel a bit more sleek but I can't say it's just because of these two yet.
These were around 5€ each but DM had a special offer. I tried them the last time I washed my hair and I liked them. My hair did feel a bit more sleek but I can't say it's just because of these two yet.
Mixa Cica-Cream
I'm slowly running out of the last one and even my mom uses it, so I bought a new one. I wanted to get the big lotion with cica from Mixa but they didn't have it in two DMs that I went to.
I'm slowly running out of the last one and even my mom uses it, so I bought a new one. I wanted to get the big lotion with cica from Mixa but they didn't have it in two DMs that I went to.
Balea Vital Konzentrat Gegen Pigment Flecken
This is supposedly good for pigmentation marks, it has niacinamide high on the list. I mostly wanted it because I have keratosis pilaris on my arms and once I start to wear short sleeves I always scratch my arms because it annoys the hell out of me. I also tan easily so in the summertime I get some pigmentation marks. I am trying to stop with this bad habit but I hope this product will help a bit with the damage so far. A week ago I also tried it on my face where I have been getting breakouts recently and this seems to work well, I won't use it on my arms anymore because I will use it up too quickly. I think it costs 3.99€, so not crazy expensive but still.
This is supposedly good for pigmentation marks, it has niacinamide high on the list. I mostly wanted it because I have keratosis pilaris on my arms and once I start to wear short sleeves I always scratch my arms because it annoys the hell out of me. I also tan easily so in the summertime I get some pigmentation marks. I am trying to stop with this bad habit but I hope this product will help a bit with the damage so far. A week ago I also tried it on my face where I have been getting breakouts recently and this seems to work well, I won't use it on my arms anymore because I will use it up too quickly. I think it costs 3.99€, so not crazy expensive but still.
Catrice Sungasm LE Summer Glow Makeup Setting Mist*
Essence Bronzed This Way! TE Shimmering Body Oil*
I made a post all about these two limited edition products, you can see it here. I like the setting mist, the mist is very fine and it takes away that powdery look. The shimmering oil is okay but I'm not a huge fan of it.
I made a post all about these two limited edition products, you can see it here. I like the setting mist, the mist is very fine and it takes away that powdery look. The shimmering oil is okay but I'm not a huge fan of it.
Oriflame The One Tremendous Fierce Mascara*
I still have another Tremendous mascara from Oriflame to test and I think that one will have its turn before this one. I heard good things about both of them, so my expectations are high.
I still have another Tremendous mascara from Oriflame to test and I think that one will have its turn before this one. I heard good things about both of them, so my expectations are high.
Oriflame Optimals Insta-Cool Anti-Fatigue Hydro Gel Cooling Face Patches*
These felt so good on my skin, it's been a while since I have used some eye patches. They were slimy and I had a feeling they were slipping off my face but they didn't, they stayed where I have put them. They felt very nice and cooling. I can't say much about the effect, I didn't notice a huge change but my under eye area is better than ever now. I have been getting a (somewhat) normal amount of sleep and it shows on my face, so I can't say if these really worked but they were a nice pampering product.
These felt so good on my skin, it's been a while since I have used some eye patches. They were slimy and I had a feeling they were slipping off my face but they didn't, they stayed where I have put them. They felt very nice and cooling. I can't say much about the effect, I didn't notice a huge change but my under eye area is better than ever now. I have been getting a (somewhat) normal amount of sleep and it shows on my face, so I can't say if these really worked but they were a nice pampering product.
Avon Attraction One Eau de Parfum*
Avon came out with two new fragrances, I think both are unisex. This one is a heavier scent that I don't really like, it's just not up to my alley but I absolutely adore the other two versions of Attraction, Rush and Sensation.
Avon came out with two new fragrances, I think both are unisex. This one is a heavier scent that I don't really like, it's just not up to my alley but I absolutely adore the other two versions of Attraction, Rush and Sensation.
Avon Distillery Shadow Shots Eyeshadow Batch 310*
This shade is slightly lighter than my skin and it doesn't really show up when I use it. It's a shame because the formula seems very nice and creamy, I also didn't notice any fall out when I have been testing it.
This shade is slightly lighter than my skin and it doesn't really show up when I use it. It's a shame because the formula seems very nice and creamy, I also didn't notice any fall out when I have been testing it.
Avon Distillery Lash'd Up Mascara*
This mascara has such a cute and simple packaging, I had no idea what it was when I first saw it. I have been testing it ever since I got it. I have a few mascaras that I need to test but I opened this one as soon as I got it because the packaging was so interesting. So far, I really like the mascara, it gives length, some volume and it fans out the lashes perfectly. There will be a review soon.
This mascara has such a cute and simple packaging, I had no idea what it was when I first saw it. I have been testing it ever since I got it. I have a few mascaras that I need to test but I opened this one as soon as I got it because the packaging was so interesting. So far, I really like the mascara, it gives length, some volume and it fans out the lashes perfectly. There will be a review soon.
Pharmacy Products: Eucerin AtopiControl Gesichtscreme, La Roche Posay Kerium DS Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, A-Derma Exomega Emollient Balm, La Roche Posay Toleriane Sensitive Creme, La Roche Posay Effeclar Duo+
There will be a whole post with these products. I finally decided to buy some products that were on my WL since forever. For A-Derma Exomega I have heard it's very good for dry skin. Then I wanted to test the Eucerin AtopiControl because my skin was acting up with AD. I also had a big problem with dandruff, so I got La Roche Posay Kerium DS. The LRP Toleriane Sensitive Creme was from my mom. She has rosacea and she likes it. The LRP Effeclar Duo+ was from my brother but I have tried using it because my skin started to break out and I didn't know why. So far I didn't see a huge difference but I will continue to test this one and everything else and I will write a review.

Korika Ferment Beauty Brightening Face Sheet Yogurt and NaturBeauty Moisturizing Face Sheet Mask
I ordered over 70€ on Notino, so I got two sheet masks for free. I don't know why but I love these Korika sheet masks. I didn't look at the ingredients, so I can't say if they are good but my skin really likes these. The only minus is that they are heavily scented. My favourite is the Yogurt one but it's not on the photo because I've already used it.
I ordered over 70€ on Notino, so I got two sheet masks for free. I don't know why but I love these Korika sheet masks. I didn't look at the ingredients, so I can't say if they are good but my skin really likes these. The only minus is that they are heavily scented. My favourite is the Yogurt one but it's not on the photo because I've already used it.
Clay Ritual Magic Clay Facial Serum*
I just posted a review of this serum, so I will leave a link here.
I just posted a review of this serum, so I will leave a link here.
Catrice Slim'matic Ultra Precise Brow Pencil Waterproof 040 Cool Brown
I used up this pencil a while ago, so this is a repurchase. I like this one because it's creamy and easy to apply. The shade is also perfect for me.
I used up this pencil a while ago, so this is a repurchase. I like this one because it's creamy and easy to apply. The shade is also perfect for me.
Dove Pflege Plus Summer Glow Body Lotion (Mittlere - Dunkelhaul)
I was searching for a different version of the Dove's gradual tanner but I couldn't find it in DM, I think it's only in Müller here in Slovenia. Based on my research this one is basically the same thing. I got a medium-dark one. I like it, it's easy to use, I'm never careful with these type of products because I'm just lazy. I do try to exfoliate the skin before but that's it. I just apply the lotion just like any other cream. I didn't notice it would be flaky or anything but it did cling to some very dry patches but it wasn't obvious, I wouldn't even notice if I wouldn't look properly. The tan comes out okay, it's a gradual self-tanner, so with one use it's slightly darker from my natural skin tone but I haven't tried it a few days in a row.
I was searching for a different version of the Dove's gradual tanner but I couldn't find it in DM, I think it's only in Müller here in Slovenia. Based on my research this one is basically the same thing. I got a medium-dark one. I like it, it's easy to use, I'm never careful with these type of products because I'm just lazy. I do try to exfoliate the skin before but that's it. I just apply the lotion just like any other cream. I didn't notice it would be flaky or anything but it did cling to some very dry patches but it wasn't obvious, I wouldn't even notice if I wouldn't look properly. The tan comes out okay, it's a gradual self-tanner, so with one use it's slightly darker from my natural skin tone but I haven't tried it a few days in a row.
Revlon Professional Uniq One All In One Hair Treatment Green Tea Scent
I bought this mostly because of the hype and I have to say that I don't get it. It smells nice but that's it, I continue to use it just because it has heat protection. I actually much prefer Gliss Kur leave-in conditioners. It also bothers me because it makes my hair very wet, so if I want to straighten it, I have to wait for it to dry. Gliss Kur leave-ins have a much nicer mist and I can use more without drenching my hair.
I bought this mostly because of the hype and I have to say that I don't get it. It smells nice but that's it, I continue to use it just because it has heat protection. I actually much prefer Gliss Kur leave-in conditioners. It also bothers me because it makes my hair very wet, so if I want to straighten it, I have to wait for it to dry. Gliss Kur leave-ins have a much nicer mist and I can use more without drenching my hair.
Thank you for reading!
*Products were sent to me
Imava precej podoben okus tudi glede parfumov :D. Meni tudi ta črn One od Avona ni všeč. Preveč moški vonj zame. Bel je boljši, ampak tudi preveč svež zame.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe veselim tvoje objave lekarniških krem. Jaz sem zdaj spet naročila A-derma kremo, tokrat to večjo kot jo imaš ti na sliki. Jih hitro porabim za moje roke. Me pa zanima kakšna bo Eucerin, ker jo imam tudi namen mogoče kdaj preizkusit :).
Jaz sem so pa izbrala brightening maske od Korike :). Sem preizkusila samo eno, ki je bila ok, ni pa bila ravno osvetlitvena. Upam, da bo druga boljša.
Škoda, sem ga že dala dalje, ker ta vonj pa je res čisto drugačen kot vsi moji ostali.
IzbrišiMeni je A-Derma super :D Se mi zdi, da je zelo hranilna, ampak še vseeno ni težka na koži in ne rabi ravno dolgo, da se vpije. Eucerin mi je zaenkrat okej, ampak trenutno morem še kožo malo v red spravit, da bom točno vedela, kaj mi odgovarja in kaj ne :D
Meni so Koriko maske super, niti ne vem zakaj. Sicer se mi je zdelo, da so moje rahlo posvetlitvene, ampak nasploh jih ima moja koža rada :D