Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ultimate Matt Lipstick

Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ulimate Matt Lipstick

Essence Metal Chrome Blush 10 My Name is Gold Rosé Gold

Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ulimate Matt Lipstick

The Metal Chrome Blush comes in a square plastic packaging. It's not the best quality, so you need to be careful with it, I already got it a bit broken in the mail, so I can't even close it. It is clear so you can see the shade inside. You get 8g of product for around 3-4€. There are three shades in this collection, mine is called 10 My Name is Gold Rosé Gold.

Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ulimate Matt Lipstick

For me this doesn't seem like a blush, I would call it a shimmery bronzer or maybe even a blush topper. It is not good pigmented, to archive the pigmentation on the swatch I had to almost scratch the top layer and also use a setting spray. I thought that maybe I just had to get through the top layer, but even now, the pigmentation is bad. Which if you use it as a topper or a bronzer, is not particularly a bad thing. It is very shimmery. It lasts the whole day, I can still see the shimmer at the end of the day. I like to use it as a topper, even though I don't really like shimmer on my face, but it will be perfect for festive days in December.

Catrice Ultimate Matt Lipstick 020 From Rose With Love ...

Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ulimate Matt Lipstick

The Ultimate Matt Lipstick comes in a classic round and black packaging, it feels sleek and smooth. There is a sticker on the bottom in the shade of the lipstick and with the name, so you can easily see what you are searching for. You get 3,8g of product for around 4-5€. These lipsticks are fairly new by Catrice, there are six different shades, ranging from a nude shade, rose, red, taupe and darker mauve purple. Mine is called 020 From Rose with Love ... and it's a very pretty darker rose shade, that I feel it would suit a lot of people. I really like the shape of the actual lipstick with the Catrice writing, it looks like it costs a few euros more than it actually does.

Essence Metal Chrome Blush and Catrice Ulimate Matt Lipstick

It's easy to applyWhen you apply it, it feels smooth and it has a bit of a sheen to it. It needs some time to completely set, about 20 Minutes, then it dries to a velvety matte finish. It transfers just slightlyThe formula feels really lightweight for a matte formula, I almost can't feel it on the lips. It doesn't feel drying at all and it doesn't emphasize dry patches. I have noticed it can bleed just a bit around the edges of the lips, but it's not really noticeable. The lipstick is longlastingI would say it lasts around 6+ hours, maybe even more if you don't eat. It will survive a small meal, but not bigger ones, it will start to disappear from the inner rim of the lips. 

I love the lipstick, it feels so lightweight and it doesn't dry my lips. I actually went to Müller to buy another one, but the shades are not really for me. I was debating whether to get Taupeless in Love, but for now, I decided I don't need a new one. The blush wasn't my favourite, I'm not the biggest fan of shimmery blushes because the shimmer just goes everywhere. If you like this types of blushes, it will be perfect for you.

Thank you for reading!

*Products were sent to me


  1. Ta blush je bil edino kar mi je bilo zanimivo od novih stvari ko sem jih videla na PR slikah in sem zelo upala, da je podoben Amber Love odteneku v L'Orealovi blush paletki, ampak me je tako razočaral ko sem ga videla v živo :/ Prvo je bil čisto druge barve kot na slikah, (na meni živo oranžen), praktično nobene pigmentacije in tisti metalik glow je bil skoraj neviden. Kako je taka kvaliteta sploh lahko prišla v redno ponudbo? :/

    Catrice šminke so pa odlične :) Raje dam tisti evro več pa vzamem Catrice kot Essence kar se tiče izdelkov za ustnice.

    1. Nimam pojma, mogoče če bi ga res dali kot nekakšen bronzer. Za mene to ni blush, še bronzer skorajda ne, glede na to da barve ni kaj preveč, so samo bleščice :/ Uporaben je samo za topper nad blushem, ki pa ga tudi ne bi nosila na navaden dan.

      Essence izdelkov za ustnice že res dolgo nisem kupovala, ker me sploh ne prepričajo. No, razen lip linerji :) Za Catrice pa sem spomnim, da sem že pred leti imela njihove šminke in so bile vredu, boljše kot pa kakšne dražje :)

  2. Tele šminke so tudi mene navdušile, odlično se nosijo in odtenki so res lepi. Kar se tiče blusha, pa ga v drogeriji še nisem opazila, na tvojih fotografijah zgleda čudovit in tudi swatch je wau. Ga moram ujeti še v živo. Super objava! ❤

    1. Blusha ti ne priporočam, sigurno dobiš kaj boljšega zlato-bleščičastega v drogeriji :)
